15 Steps to Grow A successful YouTube Channel

You can grow your YouTube channel 300% in 2024.
Find out how in this post. Here we will touch on how to create engaging videos, how to get more people to subscribe to your channel, how to increase your views, and much more.

Starting a YouTube channel can be challenging, and making it big with thousands or even millions of subscribers is even tougher. Some may questions like, it is still possible?

Don’t lose hope it is very possible because a couple of creators have set a good landmark for upcoming to follow. Those you find having 12 million and 300 million views and subscribers have learnt something the ordinary YouTuber don’t know.

Now, you might wonder, how they achieve it? What steps did they take to make their YouTube channels successful?
Let’s dive into the secrets of growing a thriving YouTube channel.

If you are as hungry as i am to grow your YouTube channel then make this article your best guide in your journey to growing your YouTube views and subscribers.

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The 15 Steps

1. Don’t Compromise Video Quality: Make it High

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Quality doesn’t mean having the highest production camera, great lighting, or a beautiful video background. The best videos come from creators who understand their audience and the art of storytelling on YouTube.

To get more insight into types of production cameras visit this post :
Digital cameras Overview

This skill takes time to develop, but you’ll notice it when your videos leave viewers feeling something special at the end — maybe inspired, motivated, curious, or just a little bit amused. Being able to change their mood means you’re wielding real influence, the kind that makes people hit subscribe and turn on post notifications.

So, how do you do it? Here are some tips to make your videos engaging:

  • Grab viewers’ attention with a short, snappy intro.
  • Keep them interested with things that break the usual flow, like text, music, images, and changing camera views.
  • Build an interesting story (you can borrow ideas from popular movies or soap operas as the case may be).

Please note, the point here is about connecting with your audience and telling a great story. The technical tools or gears like cameras, lights and backgrounds are aids to help you tell your story better.

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2. Boost Your Content To Make It Search Engine Friendly

Do you want everyone to see your awesome YouTube videos you have spent time and resources to create ?

Here is a secret you should employ.
Think like a detective️‍, help YouTube understand your videos , and keep viewers hooked by using the following methods :

  1. Pick a clue for YouTube: Choose a special word describing your video – its keyword detective! Put it in the title and description, like breadcrumbs leading viewers there.
  2. Make a catchy cover photo: It is called “Thumbnail” It is your video’s first impression! A cool picture tells people what your video is about.
  3. Help everyone enjoy: Add captions and subtitles so everyone can understand, even without sound.
  4. Organize your masterpieces: Group related videos into playlists, like shelves for your video library.
  5. Spread the word: Add mini-promos called “cards and end screen” at the end of your videos, reminding viewers of other cool stuff you’ve made.
  6. Reach even further: Use related keywords as hashtags to help even more people discover your video treasures. (eg #channel)
  7. Bonus treasure! Those chosen keywords might unlock Google search results and give you Free advert for your amazing work

Remember, these simple steps help YouTube connect your videos with the perfect audience. So go forth, create, and share your beautiful videos with the world.

3. Captivate Your Audience with Attention Grabbing Thumbnails

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Do you want your YouTube channel to explode? Don’t overlook the power of thrilling custom thumbnails! Imagine them as vibrant billboards screaming for attention, highlighting your video’s most tempting bits. The more irresistible they look, the more clicks or views you will get.

Crafting eye-catching thumbnails is easier than you think:

  • Size matters: Stick to a 16:9 aspect ratio and 1280×720 pixels for maximum impact.
  • Picture perfect: Use crystal-clear, high-resolution photos for backgrounds and elements.
  • Less is more: Keep your design clean and uncluttered. Avoid visual overload!
  • Color splash: Unleash the power of bright, inviting colors to draw viewers in.
  • Words with punch: When adding text, make it concise and captivating.
  • One focus, please: Stick to a single theme or idea to avoid confusing viewers.
  • Harmony is key: Ensure your thumbnail and video title sing in perfect harmony.

By following these simple tips, you’ll transform your thumbnails into irresistible magnets, pulling viewers in and boosting your channel’s growth! Remember, every click starts with a glance, so make those first impressions count.

4. Create Irresistible YouTube Titles and Descriptions

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Forget simply stating your video’s topic – you’re on YouTube,the land of emotional roller coasters! Viewers don’t just want information, they want a thrill. They want to laugh, learn, and feel something deeply.

So, how do you turn on the feels with your titles?

  • Spark curiosity: Promise life-changing transformations in 30 days with that killer workout, or make them break a sweat worrying about their investments. Titles should tease the emotional journey viewers are about to embark on.
  • Tap into fears and desires: We all have them, and a well-crafted title can connect with those core motivators. Whether it’s conquering a common struggle or achieving a lifelong dream, let your title whisper, “This is for you.”

Need a little help conjuring the perfect hook? Don’t worry, VIDIQ AI cavalry is here! Use an AI tool for a brainstorming bonanza and get inspired by its creative spark.

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But once you’ve got your title, remember, the description isn’t for fancy tricks. It’s your chance to deliver on the promised. Give viewers a clear picture of your video’s content, highlighting the emotional payoff they’re about to experience.

Remember, a winning YouTube title is more than just words – it’s an emotional promise. Craft one that makes viewers crave your video, and they’ll be clicking that play button faster than you can say subscribe.

5. Use Hashtags to Boost Your Reach

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Ever wonder how some videos magically explode on YouTube? Let me introduce the secret weapon: hashtags! Think of them as magical portals that transport viewers to your awesome content.

Here’s how it works: every hashtag on YouTube is clickable. Tap it, and boom! You’re on a page showing countless videos related to that topic. And guess what? Landing on a popular hashtag page is like a gold mine for your channel – instant exposure to thousands of potential viewers!

But wait, there’s a catch. Not all hashtag pages are created equal. You wouldn’t want to get lost in a sea of millions of videos, right? The key is to find the sweet spot: hashtags that are popular enough to matter but not overflowing with competition.

So, grab your detective hat and do some hashtag research. Look for relevant topics with thriving communities but manageable numbers. Once you’ve got your golden list, it’s time to unleash the magic!

Head over to your video title or description and sprinkle those hashtags like pixie dust. Remember, the right hashtag is a magnet, drawing viewers right to your incredible content. So, go forth, explore, and watch your channel grow in leaps and bound.

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6. Drive Engagement with Magnetic Call To Action

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Imagine this: your channel thrives, videos gathering so much views, fans singing your praises! That dream isn’t just wishful thinking, it’s the power of engagement!

But guess what? Most viewers, lost in the mesmerizing world of YouTube, forget the small acts that fuel your channel’s growth. For example is it possible for some to forget to hit the like button? Subscribe button? Leaving a comment? Yes, It might slip their minds as they click onto the next adventure.

This is where you step in, their charming video host. At the end of each masterpiece, remind them gently, like a friendly guide pointing to hidden treasures: “Hit that like button if this video sparked a smile!” “Subscribe for more epic adventures!” “Let me know your thoughts in the comments, I love to hear from you!”

These simple prompts, sprinkled throughout your videos, work wonders. Viewers, nudged by your friendly guidance, become active participants in your channel’s journey.” Likes” will rain down, subscriptions will soar, and your community will thrive! Remember, a little engagement magic goes a long way, transforming casual viewers into dedicated fans. So go forth, share your voice, and watch your channel blossom.

7. Build a Strong Relationship with Your Audience

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To boost your YouTube channel, connect with your audience by responding to comments and hosting live Q&A sessions. Use polls on the Community tab to learn about their preferences. Treat it like making friends—get to know them, and let them know you. Consistency in engagement builds trust and loyalty. Show appreciation for their support, and create content that resonates with their interests. Building a real connection turns viewers into subscribers who eagerly anticipate your next video.

8. Partner Up with Smart YouTube Collaborations

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YouTube collabs is the fuel you for your channel to gather new audiences and skyrocket your views. But just slapping two channels together doesn’t guarantee a viral explosion. So how do you craft a collab that ignites the platform?

Target your partners in your own niche: Find creators who share your niche. Overlapping audiences mean instant interest and engagement.

Don’t just rush into sending out emails, brainstorm! Before reaching out, map out ideas that spark fireworks. Think shared challenges, swapped audiences, or mind-blowing match ups. Your collab should be the ultimate space adventure, not a boring documentary.

Choose your collaboration style: Will you team up in person for an epic adventure vlog? Pick a format that lets your combined energies shine brings out the best in the collaboration effort.

Don’t just launch your collab, let the community in your niche know! Promote it across both channels, using teasers, trailers, and cross-promotion. Make sure everyone knows this invitation is worth the call.

Remember, the best collabs are more than just two channels side-by-side. They’re explosions of creativity, shared passions, and unexpected connections. So blast off, find your perfect collaborator, and prepare to conquer the YouTube universe with an unforgettable collab.

9. Leverage Current YouTube Trends and Challenges

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To speed up your channel’s growth, try joining YouTube challenges or following social media trends. This strategy is beneficial for smaller YouTube creators aiming for quicker growth.

However, be careful when picking trends to join. Some might not fit well with your channel’s theme, making it hard to turn viewers into loyal fans. Also, some challenges could be risky, Like the trendy but potentially risky fire-breathing challenge.

But everyone begins somewhere, right? Use this guide to discover popular topics for your videos. Before deciding on an idea, ask yourself one question: Does this help or harm my channel in the long run?

10. Integrate Shorts and Long Videos

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Remember the days when YouTube was strictly long-form video territory? Well, hold onto your hat, because things just got interesting! Last year, YouTube announced a game-changing connection between Shorts and the in-depth long-form videos.

Here’s the juicy part; YouTube is now actively analyzing every Short on the platform, watching how viewers react and engage. And get this – if a particular Short gets massive viewership, your other videos suddenly gets recommended as well. Imagine if your catchy Short leading viewers straight to your epic documentaries or training video, could lead to channel growth.

So, what does this mean for you? It’s simple: Shorts are officially your bridge to long-form glory! Every creative snippet you post is a potential doorway to new audiences and deeper engagement with your channel. Of course, the bigger the spark your Shorts generate, the brighter the spotlight shines on your long-form content.

Now, before you rush off to film your next masterpiece, let’s make sure those Shorts ignite the viewership inferno. Get ready to watch your channel transform – one captivating Short at a time.

11. Turn Every Video into a Viewer Magnet with Cross-Promotion

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Growing your YouTube channel becomes easier when you promote your videos. There are simple ways to do it:

  • In your video, use YouTube cards to recommend more of your content.
  • At the end of your video, use YouTube end screens to suggest more videos for your viewers to watch.
  • Put a link to a related video in your video’s description.

If you’re not sure about cards and end screens, here’s the main difference: one shows up during a video, and the other appears at the end. You can use cards anytime in your video, suggesting more content. But end screens only work in the last 5-20 seconds. If you’re using an end screen, suggest just one video, so your viewers don’t get overwhelmed and give up on choosing. It’s all about making it easy for them.

12. Build Custom YouTube Playlists

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Playlists are your secret weapon for growth! While some creators see them as mere video waste container, the truth is far more exciting. Playlists are like magic sorting hats for your content, making it easy for viewers to dive into whatever interests them most.

But the benefits don’t stop there. Playlists are like watching episodees of movie one one after another, whispering, “Just one more…and one more!” This translates to skyrocketing watch time, which, let’s face it, is music to YouTube’s algorithm’s ears. The higher your watch time, the brighter your channel shines in the recommendation spotlight.

So, ditch the haphazard browsing and craft strategic playlists. Group videos by theme, series, or mood, transforming your channel into a curated wonderland. Remember, a little organization goes a long way in keeping viewers hooked and your channel booming.

13. Build Your Community with Dynamic YouTube Live Streams

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live streaming another secret weapon for building a solid relationship with your viewers; Q&A’s, interactive games, and more – it’s a real-time connection goldmine! But guess what?

YouTube loves giving live streams a little extra love too! There’s a dedicated section just for live videos, and getting featured there does’nt required some special talent. We’ve seen streams with as few as 5,000 Even small gaming streams can get featured on YouTube if they’re friendly, interactive, and entertaining. It shows that being real and connecting with your audience matters more than having a huge following, even small gaming streams can get featured on YouTube if they’re friendly, interactive, and entertaining. It shows that being real and connecting with your audience matters more than having a huge following

So, forget polishing your streams to pixel-perfect perfection. Be yourself, be friendly, be interactive, and be captivating! Those are the ingredients that cultivate loyal fans who keep coming back for more. Remember, true connections with your audience, even if it is small, is more valuable than trying to appear perfect.

Here are the take home on this step:

  • Live streams get VIP treatment on YouTube. Get featured and reach new audiences!
  • Numbers don’t always matter. Be engaging, and you could still catch the spotlight.
  • Forget perfection, embrace authenticity. Be yourself, and your viewers will love you for it.

Ready to turn your live streams into channel-boosting powerhouse?
Then it is time to get creative and connect with your fans in a fresh, exciting way! Grab your camera and get down to business

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14. Visit YouTube Analytics Often To See Your Progress

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Forget flying blind on YouTube! Data is your fuel, and analytics are your map. Regularly checking your stats isn’t just about checking boxes; it’s a constant conversation with your audience and your creative self.

Think of it like this:

  • In the Present You ask questions like, “How can I boost this video?” Analytics show you your click-through rates, audience retention, and engagement, revealing what hooks them and what makes them click away.
  • With this knowledge if in the Future you discover a video didn’t get desired result you will have no worries! because reading the results of analytics, you will make adjustments to your videos to make them better. How?
    Analytics reveal traffic sources, subscriber gains, and new vs. returning viewers, showing you who you’re reaching and who’s coming back for more.

Here are some key stats you should watch closely:

  • Thumbnail clicks: Think of it as your first impression. If few people click, maybe the picture is not grabbing eyeballs. Time for a new eye-catcher!
  • Mid-video drop-off: Got them hooked at the start, but lost them halfway? Analytics point to the “boring zone.” Tighten things up there, keep them glued to the screen!
  • Recommended love: Your videos are popping up in other feeds! This “algorithm’s applause” shows what grabs viewers attention. This helps you boost your niche.
  • New subscribers: Wow, fresh faces! Analytics show you what kind of videos win hearts and build your fan club.
  • Likes, comments, shares: The virtual cheers! Analytics point to your most passionate fans, helping you deepen those connections.
  • Newbies vs. regulars: A mix of both? Great! Analytics show you who you’re reaching and how to keep them coming back for more.

Remember, numbers don’t lie. Think of them as friendly tips to make your videos even better and win over new fans. So, grab your analytics, listen to what they say, and watch your YouTube channel grow big.

15. Become a Reliable Content Creator with Consistent Posting

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o become a reliable content creator, post regularly. Consistency is key to building trust with your audience. Keep a steady schedule for your videos, so your viewers know when to expect new content. This helps you connect with your audience and build a loyal following. Remember, reliability is about being dependable and sticking to your posting routine.

mudi kefe
mudi kefe

I have loved YouTube since I was young. I have always desired to make videos and since YouTube was born I have been trying to make videos that will go viral. Through the years I have learned a lot about YouTube, making videos, and growing in YouTube. In most of my videos, I will try to share my experience and knowledge with the world.

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