Using Google Search Console! Boost Your Traffic

Google Search Console stands as your gateway to success. By setting up Google Search Console, you’re not just connecting your website; you’re unleashing its full potential. Get ready to boost your website traffic by 100% and take your online presence to new heights! Let’s dive in.

Go to Google Search Console Website

Open your web browser and go to the Google Search Console website (

Sign In with Your Google Account

Click on the “Start Now” button.

google search console start page
Google search console start page

Sign in with your Google account.
If you don’t have a Google account, you’ll need to create one.

google account-page

Adding You Site To Google Search Console

Add Your Property (Website) to Google Search Console

Once you’re signed in, click on the “+ Add Property” button.

Enter your website URL in the provided field and click “Continue.”

google-console-property page

Verify Your Website:

Follow the instructions provided for your chosen verification method to verify your website. For example, if you chose the HTML tag method, you would need to add the provided meta tag to the <head> section of your website’s HTML code. Once added, go back to Google Search Console and click on the “Verify” button.

Choose a Verification Method

Google Search Console will ask you to verify that you own the website. There are several verification methods available, such as HTML file upload, HTML tag, domain name provider, Google Analytics tracking code, or Google Tag Manager.
Choose a verification method that you find convenient.

HTML tag Verification Method

With HTML tag method, you will need to add a specific meta tag to your website’s HTML code.


HTML File Upload Google Console Verification method

When verifying your website on Google Search Console using the HTML file upload method, it’s all about proving ownership. Here’s how in simple steps:

Download the Verification HTML File

Google will provide you with a unique HTML file containing a specific name, usually something like “google123456789.html”. Download this file to your computer.

download verification html

1. We are “As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
2. “I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

Access Your Website’s File Directory:

Using an FTP client or your web hosting control panel, access the root directory of your website. This is where your website’s main files are stored or use an easier method, that is, download WordPress plugin
– Filester (click here download Plugin)
Install the plugin to the back-end of your WordPress site. In the WordPress dashboard by your left you will see file manager,

file manager to upload html file to google comnsole

click on it. The file manager opens.

Click on the file manager to see the window below

file manager opens

Upload the HTML File

Click on the upload button to add your html file from where you save it on your computer


Verify on Google Search Console

After uploading the file, go back to Google Search Console and click the “Verify” button. Google will check if the HTML file they provided exists on your website. If found, your website is verified!

verify your site in google search console
domain verification successful

Submitting XML Sitemaps for Effective Site Crawling

Congratulation! you have succeeded in verifying your site ownership in google search console. The next step is submitting your XML sitemap.
This is how you go about it if you dont have an SEO plugin for your site

Generate an XML Sitemap

Visit this site to generate sitemap :

sitemap generator

Submit Your Sitemap:

Find the sitemap button in the left pane of the google search console window. Click on it.

sitemap button in google serach console widow

Enter the URL of your XML sitemap ( that is, sitemap.xml ) and click Submit.

google search console sitemap window

Google will now crawl your sitemap, indexing your website’s pages effectively for search results.

Congratulation again! you have succeeded in adding your sitemap to google console.
Now the last step to boost traffic will be to link our Google search console to Google Analytics. These two tools working together are very powerful in driving huge traffic to your site.

Connecting Google Search Console to Google Analytics

At the left pane of the console window click setting at the bottom. ( If you don’t have google analytics 4 account please visit the blog post on “Get Massive Traffic ! Use Google Analytics” to learn how to sign up)

linking google search console and google analytics setting

Click on the link below and wait for few seconds and you will get a confirmation that google console and google analytics have been associated.

google console and google analytics link

To Check Association

Sign in to google analytics. Click on home.

check google console and anaalytics association

Click on library to see google console

Library to see google console

Finally, google console appeared in google analytics windows.

google console in google analytics window

1. We are “As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
2. “I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.


In wrapping up, we’ve covered the essential steps from setting up Google Search Console to linking with Google Analytics, you’ve gained valuable insights into your website’s performance and audience. These tools empower you to make informed decisions, optimize your content, and enhance your online presence. Above all, consistent application of these tools will no doubt boost and drive great traffic to your site.

mudi kefe
mudi kefe

I have loved YouTube since I was young. I have always desired to make videos and since YouTube was born I have been trying to make videos that will go viral. Through the years I have learned a lot about YouTube, making videos, and growing in YouTube. In most of my videos, I will try to share my experience and knowledge with the world.


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